It happens to everyone. Thankfully, I did not fall far!
I believe it all started when I started my new job. I have a new routine that I'm still getting used to. I've been at my job for over a month now so I really don't have any excuses now. The struggles I've been having come down to the fact that I'm not home during the day anymore so just like everyone else in the world, I have to re-work my personal life around my work schedule. Unfortunately, my work schedule is not set like I was used to, so its harder to plan ahead when I don't know until the week before what days I'm working!
As I said, my routine has been thrown off. As a result, I have been eating out more and not working out quite as much as I was before. Not a huge deal, but the eating out is something I really try to keep under control. I love love love eating at restaurants. Since my schedule is only put out weekly, I can't plan my menus bi-weekly like I used to. Since I wasn't planning meals, it was easier for my husband and I to go out. Plus, my new job is at a restaurant, so double temptation for me! My strength training has not been up to what it was either. I gave myself a little slack because I just started a new job...
Add all that together over the course of a month and a half, and you get a 4-5 lb weight gain. Boo!! If I had been keeping up with my normal routine, I would tell myself to take my measurements because it could have been muscle gain. Gain muscle= lose inches. But I knew that wasn't it.
I was hoping that being on my feet at work would offset some of those extra calories, but its easier to eat more than you burn when you eat out more. Restaurants add all kinds of sneaky calories that you might not realize. Most things are cooked in butter or oil. Even something that sounds healthy might not be what you think. That's why the food tastes so good ;)
Sad story! But the obvious plan for me moving forward is to menu plan weekly. I'd rather not shop every week, but looks looks like I'll have to. I'm lucky that my work schedule allows me to get up at a reasonable hour and have time to get to the gym or go for a run before work. I don't have to get up before the sun so I really can't complain!!
The moral of the story is: Recognize that little setbacks such as a small weight gain are not the end of the world. And life will change! Try to get ahead of the game if you can and put together a plan before the change sets in so that you don't fall back into bad habits. Hopefully I will take my own advice next time.
time to get back on the wagaon :)