Thursday, May 30, 2013

Appliance Mania!

Just a personal, home style blog update today.

Isn't it sad the things you get excited for as an adult?

I was excited on Tuesday night to get our new....

Washer and Dryer!!

The past few Mondays since we've moved I've had to schlep down to the local laundromat and hang out for about an hour and a half. Now I don't have to!

Thank goodness.

I forgot how nice it is to have a washer and dryer in your house. We had one in our last apartment. It was right in our walk in closet, so that's about as convenient as it gets.

Ours are in the basement now, but at least they're in the same building! We enlisted the help of our neighbor to pick them up, transport them, and get them into our house. Surprisingly, they were not as hard to get down the stairs as I thought they would be. Well, I guess I can't be one to speak about that because I was not involved in the lifting process. But I supervised and neither neighbor nor husband hurt themselves so its all good! 

The only problems that came up were: Leaky water hook ups. The cold water hose needed a seal and our land lord came and tightened the hot water nozzle. I don't know the technical term but just behind the blue handle there it was leaking. The cold water one is leaking just a tad so we will be keeping our eye on that.

Only other problem was: No silver exhaust hose thing for the dryer. There was a piece coming out the ceiling but it wasn't long enough to attach to the bottom of the dryer. We had this top piece and the white box thing, which apparently you can leave open in the winter to blow hot air and help heat your basement if you want. Our land lord helped us out with this as well, but as you can see, we didn't have the proper clamps so we used good old duct tape! I had to duct tape it to the back of the dryer as well because as soon as I turned the dryer on it popped off.

But now I know these things, and if I ever need any of these parts I know they can be found at the hardware store. My land lord also gave me a bit of a scare. We hadn't plugged in the dryer yet so as I went to do it he said- Now that's the right size plug right? 

I didn't know they came in different sizes! Apparently there are at least three different ones attached to dryers. Thankfully ours fit the outlet.


So that's the new excitement here in our house. Yesterday I did some laundry, then went to yoga class :)

Hope you all had a good week! Tomorrow's Friday. I'll be crafting with my best friend on Saturday, then Sunday my husband and I are running a 5K. My fourth 5K of 2013. His first one in years. Stay tuned for that update. Have a great weekend!

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