Tuesday, May 7, 2013

You Should Yoga

I went to yoga last night.

Best decision ever!!

The athletic club we belong to offers several different classes (for free!) and I finally got myself to one of those classes.

Yoga is something that I've been interested in and I've always wanted to attend regular classes. I don't have a great reason as to why I haven't gone until now, other than I didn't want to go all by myself to a place that I haven't been to before. Since I've been going to the athletic club regularly now, I'm already comfortable going there alone.

I'm not sure why I love yoga so much. I do have a special love for anything that has Asian roots- things from India, China, Japan. Maybe there's a certain mysticism about it. Whatever it is, I want to learn more.

My experience with yoga is sporadic. My first yoga experience was in college. I took a theater class and the professor liked to begin the class with a little bit of yoga.
For a while after that, I was using my Wii Fit, which has some yoga poses on it, but its definitely not a full representation of all that yoga is.

I own the P90X DVDs which include a yoga section. That is a really great yoga workout- definitely challenging!

Lastly, a year or two ago for a very short period of time my work offered yoga classes. I really enjoyed that and was disappointed that the participation was too low for them to continue.

Anyway, the point is that I think yoga is great and you should do it! Its a great supplement to any workout plan. It works your body and mind. It will help your mental focus, help you de-stress, help with flexibility and physical performance in anything you do.

If you'd like to go to a class, but you've never done any yoga, I'd recommend getting a DVD or book, or looking youtube for free videos. That way you can familiarize yourself with the basics. Or if you're brave, just jump right into a class and figure it out as you go!

Yoga is great for unwinding after a tough day or meditating to begin your day!

Here are a couple quick articles to get you started.
6 Yoga Basics for Beginners
Basics of Yoga
Basic Yoga Sequences (links to videos)

I'd just like to point out again, as it says on my 'about me' section, that I'm not an expert. I'm just passing along information. I definitely don't know a ton about the different types of yoga, but I'm hoping to learn more!


  1. id be ok taking a yoga class if i can agree that the instructor not touch me (I hate being touched when im working out).

    1. In the classs I went to the instrustor didn't touch anyone. You can always talk to the instructor before class about your concerns though!!

  2. I love yoga! I haven't been able to go in about a year though since they stopped at my work too. I think taking that time to intentionally clear your mind really helps with your focus for the rest of the week. Wish we lived near by so I could go with you!
